Selection and Hiring Process

Selection process

selection team checking applications of the candidates

Selection is the process of choosing the most appropriate candidate from a pool of applicants for a particular job. The process of selection starts as soon as the recruitment process ends. During the process, prospective candidates are evaluated and systems are developed to ensure sound selection. For an organization to function smoothly, it requires quality employees. Thus, selection is one of the most important and tough processes for any organization which aims at appointing the right person at the right job.

According to Human Resource Management Experts

Selection is the process of choosing among people who apply for work with an organization.

– Wendell French

The selection process is a series of steps used to decide which recruits should be hired.

– Werther and Davis

Selection activities predict which job applicant will be successful if hired.

– Decenzo and Robbins

Importance of selection

Selection ensures right kind of person at right job in organization. Other than this, other importance of selection are discussed below.

Ensures efficient performance

Employees with adequate skills have potential to make quality output. This directly affects the productivity and performance of the organization.

Strategic resource

Strategic resources are considered to be the building blocks of successful organization and carefully selected employees act as strategic resource for the organization. In other words, these employees represent human capital and provide competitive benefits to the organization.

Environmental adaptation

Employees with required skills and knowledge face less problems while adapting to new working environment because they have the ability to learn, update and utilize their knowledge properly.


When right employees are selected for the right job, employees can complete their tasks with ease. This lessens frustration caused due to errors while working and employees become more committed towards their assigned job.

For selection process to be effective

  • Job description and job specification regarding the vacant position should be clearly spelled out.
  • There should be a large pool of applicants.
  • Series of screening tools should be designed.
  • Selection standards should be carefully set.

Phases of selection process

Selection is a long and time consuming process. It includes several phases which are described below.

1. Application form evaluation

With the end of recruitment process, sufficient number of filled-in application forms from prospective employees are generated. Such forms are filled with information such as personal background, educational qualification, professional qualification, specialized training, work experiences, salary drawn at previous jobs and expected salary and references. A complete application form creates vivid image of an applicant.

2. Preliminary interview

Evaluation of application and preliminary interview take place simultaneously. When adequate application forms are collected, the selection team starts screening application forms, followed by rejection of misfit and unqualified candidates. Preliminary interview results in narrowed selection pool made up of only those candidates who are fit for the post.

3. Selection test

candidates giving test for a job

Once the preliminary interview phase ends, the selection team prepare standardized tests for those who pass through that phase. Interviewees are required to take such examinations in written form so that the interviewers can properly screen their personality, aptitude, interest, honesty and flexibility.

What does a personality test determine?

– Assertiveness

– Emotional stability

– Communication skills

– Agreeableness

– Conscientiousness

What does an aptitude test determine?

– Intelligence

– Capability to perform the assigned job

– Talents

– Potential learning capacity

What does an interest test determine?

– Likes and dislikes

– Activity preferences

– Career choices

What does an honesty test determine?

– Accuracy of information provided by the applicants

What does a situational or flexibility test determine?

– Response to specific situation or problem

4. Physical examination

Some jobs require certain physical qualities like clear vision, clear tone, tolerance, perfect hearing, physical strength,etc. So employees who pass the selection test are physically examined if necessary.

5. Reference check

It is the major duty of selection team to confirm that the information provided by the applicants are genuine.For this, companies investigate about the reference provided by the applicants in order to know about the actual character and background of the employee. This assures quality human resources in the organization.

6. Final interview

Applicants who pass through all the above phases are then called for face-to-face interview. It is a major tool for selection which includes verbal interaction between two parties. Nowadays, such interviews are also carried out online, using applications such as Skype and others that focuses in providing voice calls and video chat. Reportedly, interview is included in 90% of selection process that takes place worldwide.

Hiring process

Appropriate candidate being hired

Hiring can be considered as the last procedure of selecting an employee in the company. It is the act of giving concerned responsibility to the most able or qualified candidate that applied for the job and passed through all the selection phases.